Development by the plant of serial release of boats and ships has served as the beginning of origin in the Republic of Kazakhstan to a new industry - military shipbuilding.
Our plant is engaged in production of motor boats and ships with the displacement up to 240 tons since 1993. Along with production of motor boats and ships, the plant is engaged in their maintenance, repair and upgrade.
Boundary boat of coastal swimming of 100 "SUNKAR" project on an air cavity, with the water-jet propeller, is intended for execution of patrol service on the rivers, lakes and in coastal zones of the seas. It is made of aluminum alloy, has the high speed of the course and good seaworthiness. It is equipped with the modern navigation and mate equipment; for staff of the boat the respective household rooms are provided.
Boat is equipped with modern means of communication and navigation. Arms – according Customer's TT.
Boats of 100 "Sunkar" project were made from 1995 to 2006.
On all boats of 100 "SUNKAR" project modernization is carried out. Now they are exploited on the Caspian Sea. Technical service and scheduled works is carried out to terms established by standards them. Instead of boats of this project since 2009 high-speed boats of FC-19 project to 27 tons are made.
Boundary boat of 0200 Burkit project
Boundary boat of 0200Burkit project is intended for protection of the state sea borders in coastal areas, passages, on open raids and on river sites, and also for providing service of sea check-points. Boat is made of aluminum alloy, has good seaworthiness and high speed of the course. It is equipped with modern navigation and mate equipment, means of communication and navigation. Arms – according Customer's TT.

Boats of 0200Burkit project were made during the period from 1997 to 2006.
On all boats of 0200Burkit project modernization is carried out. Now they are exploited on the Caspian Sea. Technical service and scheduled works is carried out to terms established by standards them.
0300 Bars project 2 ranks boundary ships
Bars project boundary ship is intended for ensuring protection of state territorial waters of frontier and continental shelf, patrol for the purpose of suppression of illegal navigation, illicit transactions, piracy and illegal fishing, interception and examination of courts violators independently and together with other ships, motor boats and aircraft, fight against underwater saboteurs (fighting swimmers).
In the fodder part of ship the watercraft for customs group which is intended for expeditious detention of violators is placed. Descent of the watercraft to water and rise him on ship is carried out by the ship load-lifting device with the hydraulic drive. Main ships case material - ship-building steel. Superstructure – aluminum-magnesium alloy.
This ship is equipped with ship systems, means of communication, navigation, and the mate devices necessary for performance of functional tasks. This ship is equipped with desalination installation with productivity about 4 t/days of fresh water. Arms – according Customer's TT.
0300 Bars project ships are issued since 2006.
All ships of this project released by plant bear service on protection of sea borders of RK on the Caspian Sea. Since 2016 ship option with modernized arms is delivered.

The high-speed motor boat of the FC-19 project to 27 tons
Protection by Border service of KNB RK are intended of territorial waters of frontier and continental shelf, patrol for purpose of suppression of illegal navigation, illicit transactions, piracy and illegal fishing in the Kazakhstan sector of the Caspian Sea, fight against small size vessels (canoes), interception and survey of courts violators.
High-speed and maneuverable qualities have. The boat is equipped with modern means of communication and navigation. Arms – according Customer's TT.

Head sample of FC19 project boat is floated and handed over to customer in 2009.
250 "BARS-MO" projects Rocket and artillery ships
These ships are intended for performance of tasks according to the military doctrine of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Technical characteristics of the ships provide destruction of fighting surface ships, boats and opponent's transports independently and in interaction with ship striking powers. These ships are equipped with modern means of communication and navigation. Arms – according Customer's TT.

250 "BARS-MO" project rocket and artillery ships are made since 2010.
0210 "Aybar" project High-speed patrol boat
It is intended for ensuring protection of state territorial waters of frontier and continental shelf of Republic of Kazakhstan; patrol for purpose of suppression of illegal navigation, illicit transactions, piracy and illegal fishing, interception and examination of courts violators. Motor boat is equipped with modern means of communication and navigation. Arms – according Customer's TT.

0210 "Aybar" project high-speed patrol boat is mastered in 2013.
Special purpose of MO RK division’s motor boat
Motor boat is intended for ensuring actions of divisions of special purpose for counteraction to underwater diversionary forces and means including patrol and protection of objects in a port zone and objects of sea economic activity from underwater diversionary threats; delivery of special division to area of their possible manifestation; detection, classification and determination of parameters of movement of fighting swimmers and means of their delivery.
For performance of tasks according to appointment boat is equipped with special products, and also modern means of communication and navigation. Arms – according Customer's TT.

Special purpose division’s motor boat is made and put in operation in 2016.
Amphibious boat of the Arctic project

Purpose of the mooring - mooring, the parking, service of courts with the total displacement up to 800 tons, production and delivery on electric power vessels, carrying out loading and unloading works. The mooring has to provide the simultaneous parking at the mooring of 2 courts with the displacement up to 300 tons and 2 courts of displacement to 70 tons and autonomous supply with their electric power (400B, 50 Hz, 200 kW).
The mooring can be established in places where: water depth (from settlement lower level) at a pontoon not less than 4,0 m; height of a wave is up to 2.0 m; ebb-tide fluctuations don't exceed 1,5 m; wind speed at the parking of the ships at the mooring to 25 m/s.
Coastal Repair Shop (CRS)
CRS is intended for ensuring performance of a complex of repair and recovery work on maintenance of fighting capacity of the ships and boats, and also for maintenance of ship mechanisms and systems. CRS is executed in modular execution and has:
- Sites: procuring, machining, metalwork and assembly, electrical assembly, checks and adjustments of the radio equipment, maintenance of the fuel equipment and knots of hydraulics, lifting, service and accumulator charging, welding;
- Posts: curing, paint and varnish coverings, gas cutting and welding;
- Rooms: household and office, for work of ITR;
- Telpher for loading and unloading works.
Ventilation system and conditioning provides comfortable conditions in rooms.

Coastal repair shop is mastered in 2002.
Educational and training station on fight for survivability (ETSFS)
ETSFS design represents of container type, from four 40 foot containers. Structure of station provides numerous dismantling and re-deployment on other place.
It is intended for practical training of crews of the ships, motor boats, courts and sea platforms for actions for fight for survivability, and also skills of use of rescue property for operational elimination of emergencies on fire-fighting and with receipts in (the ship, the motor boat, the vessel and sea platforms) waters as a result of fighting and emergency damages and in case of damage of various pipelines of systems.
The station is equipped with engineering systems (power supply, heating of rooms, removal of the fulfilled technical waters and sewer drains from bathrooms and shower; inventories of technical and fresh household water).
Locations of ETSFS are equipped with fire extinguishing systems; equipment of intra ship telephone communication, broadcasting, ringing signaling; location of KP, an office of station-master, checkroom and locations of instructing are equipped with home air conditioners. Station with 60 kW emergency power supply is equipped.
ETSFS allows fulfilling actual actions of staff on:
- Fire-fighting by ship;
- Fight against receipt in water ship as result of fighting and emergency damages.
Educational and training station on fight for survivability is developed in 2011.
The project is under implementation until 2025
Vessel is intended for performance, including: providing ships and boats with fuels and lubricants, water and food; assistance in elimination of fires in courts; for independent swimming in the one-year rarefied ice up to 0,6-0,8 m thick and pilotage possibility in ices of smaller thickness; performance of emergency and towing works; carrying out small repair of courts in sea.
Vessel with modern means of communication and navigation is equipped.
Vessels deadweight with freight specification quantity, special personnel, passengers and 100% ship stores - about 173 t.

Our plant has technical capabilities of release in long term of specialized ocean ships: floating laboratories, tows with small draft, courts of delivery of rotational change, search and rescue, nature protection, fire and other vessels for a requirements satisfaction of different categories of customers. Option of creation of some types of listed above courts based on cases of the ships and motor boats mastered by plant is possible.
Realization of this direction can be helped by the statement with the republic of State program of perspective development of civil shipbuilding with indication of types and the number of courts, performers, customers, dates of performance, sizes and sources of financing.
The boat is intended for performance of tasks according to the military doctrine of the Republic of Kazakhstan: patrol and protection of objects in a port zone and objects of sea economic activity from underwater diversionary forces and means; deliveries of special division to the area of penetration of UDFM; detection, classifications and determination of parameters of the movement of underwater objects (fighting swimmers, means of their delivery). The boat is equipped with special products, and also modern means of communication and navigation. Arms: according Customer’s TТ.

The landing ship is intended for performance of tasks according to the military doctrine of the Republic of Kazakhstan: ensuring high-speed transfer by the sea and disembarkation to not equipped coast of landing divisions (the human contingent, the wheel and caterpillar equipment); performance of statements of sea mine obstacles. The ship is equipped with special products, and also modern means of communication and navigation. Arms: according Customer's TT.
The ship is intended for performance of tasks according to the military doctrine of the Republic of Kazakhstan, protection of the state territorial waters of frontier and the continental shelf, patrol for the purpose of suppression of illegal navigation, illicit operations, illegal fishing, interception and examination of courts violators.
Complete set arms upon the demand of the Customer. The helicopter (UAV) isn't included in the package of delivery of the ship.